The last day of being a 21 year old was a very strange one. First of all, I had work. That being said, the fact that I had to be in my office was not the reason for the strange feeling in my gut that I still can't seem to put a finger on. Anyway, 'gut-feelings' are always difficult to pin point.... Last year was a big year, and perhaps I was feeling a little weary. Perhaps I didn't want to turn a year older, a little hesitant as to what the future's hiding from me. Or just hung over. I don't know.
Having a dream and a goal in life can also be a little stressful sometimes, and honestly, sometimes I just don't want to mature, to grow up, or study hard, or to be outstanding or talented! Sometimes, I just want to be the carefree, adventurous, maybe even a little ditsy 20-some-year-old that does whatever she wants; the word 'consequence' and 'responsibility' not existing in her vocabulary.

But that's just sometimes, really, and coincidentally, it just had to be on my B-day that these thoughts decided to plague me with their lethargic venom. And fortunately, the strange gut feeling didn't last too long!
After work, Boris and I went out to our favorite Izakaya to celebrate my Birthday Eve. We had the all-you-can-drink plan, and ordered all of our favorite things on the menu. We drank and ate and talked till we couldn't anymore with no care of the next day's schedule. And stumbling home, clinging to each other for support, finding great humor in our intoxicated state, upsetting neighbors with our adorable (loud) giggling and laughter, I closed the door to another year, and with the one and only Boris.
Love that crazy little shit! Ain't she the cutest?
Thanks for putting up with this crazy 22 year old, Boris. You're the best thing in my life!